To: The Members of West Valley Presbyterian Church
From: Morgan Murray – Moderator, on behalf of the WVPC Session
Date: November 1, 2021
RE: November 14 Congregation Meeting
Dear WVPC Members,
The upcoming Congregational Meeting is a very important one. We will be voting on Bylaws changes that insure our current Session size is consistent with our Bylaws. You will also be asked to vote concerning whether or not our current Session elders may serve until Great Exchange Covenant Church (GrX) takes over ministry operations on our campus.
Please see the attached document for the proposed bylaw changes.
You will also be hearing an update from the Transition Team. At this writing, we are planning to hold another Congregational Meeting on Dec 12 for the purpose of voting on a resolution to gift our campus to (GrX).
Our Bylaws do not have any provision for proxy voting, absentee voting, or voting remotely (ie, via Zoom). Because these are such critically important votes, we must be careful to follow our bylaws. (We have sought legal counsel on these matters and are following that guidance.) Therefore, members must be present in order to vote. The meeting will be available for viewing via our YouTube Channel livestream.
Please make every effort to join us for these important conversations! Thanks!
Yours in Christ,
Morgan Murray
Transitional Pastor
West Valley Presbyterian Church
From: Morgan Murray – Moderator, on behalf of the WVPC Session
Date: November 1, 2021
RE: November 14 Congregation Meeting
Dear WVPC Members,
The upcoming Congregational Meeting is a very important one. We will be voting on Bylaws changes that insure our current Session size is consistent with our Bylaws. You will also be asked to vote concerning whether or not our current Session elders may serve until Great Exchange Covenant Church (GrX) takes over ministry operations on our campus.
Please see the attached document for the proposed bylaw changes.
You will also be hearing an update from the Transition Team. At this writing, we are planning to hold another Congregational Meeting on Dec 12 for the purpose of voting on a resolution to gift our campus to (GrX).
Our Bylaws do not have any provision for proxy voting, absentee voting, or voting remotely (ie, via Zoom). Because these are such critically important votes, we must be careful to follow our bylaws. (We have sought legal counsel on these matters and are following that guidance.) Therefore, members must be present in order to vote. The meeting will be available for viewing via our YouTube Channel livestream.
Please make every effort to join us for these important conversations! Thanks!
Yours in Christ,
Morgan Murray
Transitional Pastor
West Valley Presbyterian Church