Embracing strangers to become friends, Friends to become family, and Family to become God’s heart, hands, and feet.
Values: Why are we doing it?
We are Passionate About:
Growing closer Committed to be a source of comfort, support, compassion, prayer, and healing for people in need of care.
Growing deeper Hungry to discover the richness of Scripture and to practice patterns of discipleship.
Growing stronger Praying wholeness into one another, giving and receiving Christ’s acceptance, encouraging and building up others as those made in God’s image.
Growing further Extending gracious care and tender justice to our community and the world through ministries of healing, teaching, prayer, and service.
Strategy: How are we doing it?
We Accomplish Our Mission By:
Living the God Life Together: Supportive fellowship Devoting time and space to work together, eat together, weep together, heal together, learn together, pray together, and laugh together.
Cultivating Corporate Worship: Heart-felt, meaningful worship Enabling each person to come to the Living God just as they are and be transformed into the Likeness of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Creating Mission Makers and Mission Takers: Mission and service Providing hands-on, life-changing opportunities to work for healing, restoration, justice, and reconciliation wherever God takes us.
Developing Youth of Good Character: Deep investment in youth Modeling intellectual growth, healthy habits, and spiritual depth for community youth and their families as mentors and friends.
Measures: When are we successful?
As we grow in Christ, we will be increasingly:
Whole-hearted in Worship Whole-hearted worship is whole-life worship, unrestricted to weekly time and location, and participating individually and as the gathered People of God.
Skilled in Scripture Familiar with the books, genres and structure of the Biblical texts; able to read and hear scripture personally and in shared learning; able to refer to and recall Scripture that guides our lives.
Practiced in Prayer Able to practice private devotional prayer, contemplative prayer, and able to pray with and for others, especially for healing.
Steeped in Story Able to share our own story and God’s story as testimony and in the work of the gospel proclamation and disciple-making. Invested in a shared story with others as part of the church and as part of a smaller circle of Jesus followers.
Working in the World Able to participate in serving work that makes our local community more and more like the Kingdom of God—marked by love, justice, inclusion of the marginalized, compassionate care of hurting people.